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速度与激情7插曲Whip(Bonus Track)歌词 电影(2)

编辑:影视娱乐网 影视娱乐资讯
速度与激情7插曲Whip(Bonus Track)歌词 电影:

You should probably go see my whip

Woke up this morning feel so damn fly

You should probably go see my ship

I just spent three racks on a motherfuckin' chain

You should probably go see my whip

I done bought a few whips, bought a few chains

My niggas remember the name

Think it's a game, my niggas ain't playin

My cliques, they fly them planes

I travel by trains, we flyin' on jets

... ball like the nets

I'm cashing them checks, my ice on Quebec

Just look at them ... on my neck

Yo, my nigga right here on liftoff

NBA finals, I'm on tipoff

... I'mma come and take your lip off

This the wrong nigga that you gone and pissed off

These are the great, nigga, don't forget that

... can get broke off like a Kit Kat

If it not about money, cut the chit chat

Them folks say we ain't never ...

I just spent three racks on a motherfuckin' chain

You should probably go see my whip

I just spent three racks on a motherfuckin' chain

You should probably go see my whip

Woke up this morning feel so damn fly

You should probably go see my ship

I just spent three racks on a motherfuckin' chain

You should probably go see my whip

Them horses be going, my engine is scorching

These niggas don't know what I got

My whip is too mean, my wheels are too clean

Girls stunt when I pull off the lot


You want, we can race on the spot

You want, we can race on the spot

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